Meet the Team


Discover AC/DC Solar: Pioneering Green Energy Solutions in Florida

In Florida, where the sun's always shining, AC/DC Solar started changing how we use energy in 2018. Our forward-thinking approach, paired with a dedication to quality and service, has seen us successfully installing solar setups in over 1,000 homes and businesses, helping Floridians transition to a cleaner, greener future.

Headquartered in Tampa, we have marked our fifth anniversary in 2023, a testament to our unwavering commitment to making solar energy both accessible and affordable. As a trusted partner in the green revolution, we pride ourselves on offering a variety of top-tier solar products and services, including groundbreaking battery storage systems that empower our customers to harness solar energy even during the night or power outages.

At AC/DC Solar, our journey is fueled by innovation, trust, and the strong bonds we forge with our customers. Through our free consultations and a no-pressure sales process, we have simplified the switch to solar, steering Florida towards a sustainable future, one installation at a time.


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Message to Contractors + Installers

At AC/DC Solar, we are passionate about advancing the renewable energy industry through innovative solar solutions and exceptional workmanship. As we continue to grow and expand our reach, we are always in search of highly skilled and dedicated contractors to join our team. We believe in creating a synergistic environment where professionalism meets expertise, and we strive to ensure that every contractor we work with aligns with our vision and values.

To maintain our high standards of quality and efficiency, there are several key requirements and considerations we expect from our 1099 contractor teams. Firstly, legal and tax compliance is paramount. Each contractor must complete IRS Form W-9, and be prepared to receive a 1099-NEC form for any earnings surpassing $600 within the tax year. A clear and comprehensive contractor agreement is crucial, delineating the scope of work, payment terms, and the specific nature of our independent contractor relationship.

From a financial perspective, an organized invoicing system is essential for prompt and accurate payment processing. We operate on clear and transparent payment terms and schedules, ensuring that our contractors are compensated fairly and timely for their invaluable work. It is crucial for contractors to understand that they are responsible for their own tax withholdings, as AC/DC Solar does not withhold taxes from their payments.

Project management and communication are at the heart of our operations. We provide detailed project scopes, maintain open lines of communication, and have systems in place for performance evaluation and feedback. This not only ensures that our projects are completed to the highest standard but also fosters a positive working environment and encourages continuous improvement.

In terms of record keeping and documentation, we maintain meticulous records of all transactions, agreements, and project progress. This ensures transparency, accountability, and aids in any potential auditing processes. Additionally, while our contractors are independent entities, we believe in providing access to resources and training that can aid in their professional development and enhance the quality of their work.

At AC/DC Solar, we are committed to building lasting relationships with our contractor teams. We value their contribution to our projects and are dedicated to providing the support, resources, and environment they need to thrive. Together, we aim to revolutionize the solar industry, one installation at a time, fostering a sustainable future for our communities and the planet at large.

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Discover Your Home's Solar Potential

What services do you need?

Discover Your Home's Solar Potential: Share Details About Your Roof Type & Monthly Electric Consumption, and Let Us Provide a Comprehensive, Personalized Solar Installation Quote Just for You.

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How much is your monthly electric bill?

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Average Electric Bill
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Where is your home located?
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A man reviewing a solar panel installation guide
