Solar 101


Begin Your Solar Journey: Understanding the Basics of Solar Energy

How do solar panels work?

Solar panels are ingenious devices that convert sunlight into electricity. But how exactly do they transform rays of light into usable energy? Here's a simple step-by-step explanation.

Step 1

Photons from sunlight hit the solar panel. These photons contain various amounts of energy.

Step 2

The solar cells that make up the panel are made of semiconducting material, usually silicon. When a photon hits a solar cell, its energy gets transferred to an electron in the cell.

Step 3

This energizes the electron, causing it to break free from its atom. The freed electrons flow through the cell, generating an electric current.

Step 4

Metal conductive plates on the cell collect the electrons, channeling them into electrical wires as electricity.

Step 5

The electricity generated is in the form of direct current (DC). An inverter then converts the DC into alternating current (AC), which can power home appliances.

Step 6

Any excess electricity produced can be fed back into the utility grid through net metering, spinning your home's electricity meter backwards!

The Benefits of Solar Energy

Solar delivers outstanding long-term value from an environmental, financial and convenience standpoint. With solar technology more advanced and affordable than ever, now is the time to explore how it can benefit your home or business!

Financial Savings

Solar energy can cut your electricity bill by 50-100% when properly designed and sized. These savings add up over the 25+ year lifespan of a system.

Environmental Conscious

Solar is a clean, renewable power source that reduces reliance on fossil fuels. This lowers your carbon footprint.

Energy Independence

Solar allows you to generate your own power, reducing dependence on the utility grid. This provides energy security.

Improved Property Value

Homes with solar installs often have higher resale value and appeal to buyers.

Long Lifespan

The electricity generated is in the form of direct current (DC). An inverter then converts the DC into alternating current (AC), which can pToday's solar panels still produce 80% of rated power after 25 years. They can keep generating for 40+ years.ower home appliances.


Solar power works rain or shine. It continues producing energy during grid outages too. 

Understanding Your Solar System's Components

A fully functioning solar system is made up of various important components that work together to harvest sunlight and convert it into usable electricity.

Solar Panels

The photovoltaic panels contain solar cells to absorb and convert sunlight into electrical current. Multiple panels are wired together to form an array sized to meet the system's energy needs.


The inverter transforms the direct current (DC) electricity from the solar panels into alternating current (AC) used to power home devices. Grid-tied inverters sync solar power output with the utility grid.

Mounting Equipment

Racking, brackets and hardware securely mount solar panels in the optimum angle for sun exposure. Roof, ground and pole mounts are common options.

Monitoring System

Monitors track solar production and consumption data, notifying system owners of any potential problems. Many have remote access via smartphone apps.

Battery Storage

Batteries store excess solar energy during the day for use at night. They provide backup power during utility grid outages.


For grid-tied systems, net metering runs the meter backwards when solar power is fed back to the utility, providing credits on your electricity bill.

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