Mission + Vision


Making Solar Energy Accessible and Affordable for Every Floridian

Our Mission

At AC/DC Solar, our mission transcends beyond business; it's a commitment to a greener, sustainable, and brighter future. We aspire to make solar energy affordable and accessible to everyone in Florida, fostering a community that thrives on clean and renewable energy. We endeavor to help individuals and businesses save substantially on their energy bills while minimizing their carbon footprint, paving the way for a future where reliance on fossil fuels is a thing of the past. As we expand into new markets, we carry forward our dedication to exceptional service, innovation, and fostering a cleaner environment for generations to come.

Our Vision

To be the harbinger of a green revolution in Florida, setting benchmarks in innovation and customer service in the solar industry. We envision a future where solar energy is not just an alternative, but the primary source of power for homes and businesses across the state. Through our pioneering solutions and products, we aim to empower every household in Florida to be a beacon of sustainability, demonstrating the infinite possibilities of a community united in its pursuit of a cleaner, greener, and more prosperous future.

Value Proposition

Tired of high energy bills from using old power methods? That's a problem many face in Florida. AC/DC Solar has a simple solution. We use the plentiful sunshine in Florida to provide a cheaper, eco-friendly energy alternative through solar power. With us, you can cut down your bills and help the environment at the same time.


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Discover Your Home's Solar Potential

What services do you need?

Discover Your Home's Solar Potential: Share Details About Your Roof Type & Monthly Electric Consumption, and Let Us Provide a Comprehensive, Personalized Solar Installation Quote Just for You.

Type of Service
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We can't wait to meet you.

Please fill in the details below so that we can get in contact with you.

Full Name
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Contact Details
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How much is your monthly electric bill?

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Average Electric Bill
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Where is your home located?
Street Address
Location Details
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Tell us about your roof
Roof Type
Roof Condition
Roof Details
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Confirm Submission.

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A Florida beach.
