FAQs on Solar Installs


How Much Does a Solar System Cost?

For Florida homeowners, going solar represents a significant investment that can yield substantial long-term savings. According to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), the average cost to install a 5 kilowatt residential solar system in Florida is between $15,000 - $21,000 before incentives as of 2022 (SEIA, 2022).

How to Maintain Your Solar System?

To keep your solar panels performing optimally for decades, it is essential to undertake regular maintenance. Follow these solar panel care best practices:

  • Remove accumulated dirt, dust, snow, and debris from solar panels every 3-6 months. Use soft brushes, squeegees and water or specialized cleaning sprays for the task. Check manufacturer guidelines.
  • Inspect all system components annually for damage, loose connections and corrosion. Look out for cracked/peeling back-sheets, condenser leaks, wire damage etc.
  • Ensure mounting equipment, racks, and foundations are properly secured with no loose parts. Tighten any loosened screws or clamps.
  • Trim back overhanging tree branches and remove weeds or plants growing around the installation
  • Keep track of solar production versus projected output to catch any decreases indicating potential equipment issues.
  • Keep the inverter area clean, with proper ventilation. Schedule professional inverter servicing every 2-3 years.
  • Document all maintenance activities in a logbook. Detailed records help identify problems needing correction.

What Happens During a Power Outage?

Power outages can disrupt lives and cause major inconvenience. But solar battery storage systems offer peace of mind through uninterrupted power supply when grid power fails. Here's what happens:

  • The integrated battery gateway detects a disruption in grid power supply to the home.
  • It automatically disconnects the home from the grid and switches to powering the home's electrical circuits from the energy stored in the solar batteries.
  • With full batteries, the solar system can typically power critical loads for 12-48 hours or more, depending on battery capacity and home consumption.
  • Lights, appliances, electronic devices can run uninterrupted, avoiding any disruption to daily activities.
  • The battery system reverts back to normal grid-connected operation once reliable grid power resumes. Any depleted batteries automatically recharge from solar production.
  • For outages exceeding available stored backup, non-critical loads may need to be strategically shed to conserve reserves. But you avoid total darkness.


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