Florida Hotel Chain


October 6, 2023

Florida Hotel Chain

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3.5 Years


Solar Inn is a chain of hotels based in Miami, Florida with 20 locations across the state. With large energy loads from lighting, HVAC and appliances, Solar Inn was keen to adopt solar to shrink expenses. They partnered with AC/DC Solar to add rooftop solar PV across multiple properties.


High utility bills were eating into Solar Inn's bottom line. But each location had varying energy needs, roof types and space constraints. A flexible approach was needed to optimize solar for cost savings across all sites.


AC/DC Solar conducted site evaluations and designed custom solar systems for each property. We tailored panel sizes, types and positioning to maximize production based on roof specifics. Central inverters with smart monitoring were incorporated to track collective energy savings.


  • 725 kW of combined solar capacity installed across 20 locations
  • 1,120 MWh of solar electricity generated annually, offsetting 18% of total usage
  • $168,000 in annual utility savings company-wide
  • Lowered carbon footprint by 1,200 metric tons per year
  • Estimated 5-year payback period on investment

With targeted solar PV systems onsite, Solar Inn reduced grid energy consumption and reaped substantial cost savings, enabling a significant boost to their bottom line.


“AC/DC Solar helped us implement our solar goals cost-effectively across all our hotels. We’re now seeing great returns through lowered energy bills.”
  • Mark Davis, VP of Operations, Solar Inn

Commercial Projects

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The Florida coast.
